What are Eames Replica Furniture and why are they So Popular?

14 Sep.,2023


What Are Eames Chairs

Eames Chairs where originally designed by the legendary American mid-century designer Charles Eames. Charles Eames product range from Plastic Dining Chairs to Toys, however it is the furniture which helps Eames grow its popularity.

There are many different versions or replicas of the Eames Chairs at the moment, with a vast array of colours and materials. Here at Lakeland Furniture, we stock the DSW, DSR, RAR and DAW chairs.


When were Eames Chairs made?

The first Eames Chair was designed by Charles Eames and was made of stamped steel, but as steel needed a neoprene coating to add warmth this proved to be far too expensive to mass produce. They were eventually made of Zenaloy, a plastic resin reinforced with fibreglass. The chairs were originally made in very basic colours of “greige”, elephant hide grey and parchment. The colours were mainly chosen by Charles’ wife, designer Ray Eames, and she soon added some more colourful additions to the production of the chairs, including seafoam green, yellow, and red, fortunately for us there is a much larger choice from the 14 colours now in production. One of the popular selling points of these moulded chairs is its adaptability, two different tops, with or without arms, and they can be attached to a variety of bases. This is probably why they are becoming a firm favourite throughout households. They are incredibly stylish dining chairs. The Eames chair was originally made for a competition - but it didn’t win. The competition held in 1948 was the International Competition for Low-Cost Furniture and Design. Production of the fibreglass original chairs ceased in 1989 for environmental reasons. The materials chemistry and their lack of recyclability led Herman Miller and Ray Eames to cease production of the armchairs. After exploring alternate materials, they began making the chairs again in recyclable polypropylene in 2000. In 2013 Herman Miller announced the return of fibreglass - a new recyclable kind. This gave over to new designer dining chairs gracing our houses. Charles Eames, together with his designer wife, created the Tandem Sling Seating, which is used in many of our Airports. The Eames Chair is well known for being “Simple, Classic and Gorgeous”, This collection of modern and stylish chairs can help create your very own dining experience in your home, be it in your kitchen/diner or dining room. Practical, hardwearing moulded chairs, clear and sleek shaped chairs, in a variety of colours, or chairs covered in a warm fabric of your choice.


Why Is Eames Furniture So Popular?

In Short, the Eames Range is functional as well as beautiful and it has historic value. Eames Chairs have been used in television programmes across the world to promote the wealth and affluence of a headline character.

All the Eames featured products have been meticulously designed remade again and again until the final product was deemed suitable in the eyes of Charles Eames.

  • Eames Dining Tables and Chairs     
  • DSW Dining Chairs
  • DSR Dining Chairs
  • DAW Dining Chairs
  • DAR Dining Chairs
  • Ghost Chairs
  • RAR Rocking Chairs


Can I buy Matching Eames Chairs and Dining Tables?

Yes, we stock a few different Eames dining chairs and tables. From Our DSR Eifel Chairs to DSW Dining Chairs you can find a table to match, searching for Harley Dining Table and chairs. 


What are Our Most Popular Eames Designs?

DSW White Dining Chair

The chair made from ABS Plastic is available in a variety of colours with beech or walnut legs. Whilst this chair gives a very sleek modern feel to any room it is a sturdy but comfortable well made chair, with a choice of colours which could well colour match the rest of your kitchen/dining room. They are a popular choice when alternated with a coloured chair. The chair is delivered ready for self-assembly, and comes with easy to read instructions but is super easy to assemble. Whilst this is an extremely attractive looking , and very easy to keep clean it is very competitively priced. The approximate dimensions of the chair are:- Width 47cm, Height 80cm, Depth 43cm, Seat width 47cm, Seat depth 43cm, Height to seat 43cm.

Victoria Ghost Style Clear Chair

 This is very much a statement chair and would be very noticeable wherever you choose to place it. This chair creates a feeling of space when pushed under a table in a small kitchen, and looks super stylish when placed with a glass topped table. Choosing the correct size kitchen / dining chair is an important factor to consider, make sure the chair is low enough to fit under your table and take into consideration the width of the chair, in relation to the size of your table especially if you will be entertaining several guests at your table, leaving approximately 30cm between the seat and top of the table. This chair also works well as a dressing table chair, and looks great with “mirror furniture”. The chair is delivered for self-assembly with easy to understand instructions, and the approximate dimensions are:- WIdth 38cm, Height 89cm, Depth 50cm, Seat Height Fixed 46cm.


DAR White Dining Chair

This is another chair which looks modern and sophisticated around a glass and chrome table, but also works alongside many modern kitchen or dining room tables. It has sleek lines and gives the impression of creating luxury and style around a table, also creating the feeling of space when used as a dressing table chair, or even a chair in the bathroom. One of the selling points for the moulded armchair is its adaptability - two different tops with or without arms, which can be attached to a variety of bases. The chair comes ready for self-assembly with easy to read instructions, and the approximate dimensions of the chair are:- Width 47cm, Height 80cm, Depth 43cm, Seat width 47cm, Seat depth 43cm, Height to seat 43cm.

DSR Eifel Dining Chair 

The chair made from ABS Plastic is available in a variety of colours with metal eifel style legs. Whilst this chair gives a very sleek modern feel to any room it is a sturdy but comfortable well made chair, with a choice of colours which could well colour match the rest of your kitchen/dining room. They are a popular choice when alternated with a coloured chair. The chair is delivered ready for self-assembly, and comes with easy to read instructions but is super easy to assemble. Whilst this is an extremely attractive looking , and very easy to keep clean it is very competitively priced. The approximate dimensions of the chair are:- Width 47cm, Height 80cm, Depth 43cm, Seat width 47cm, Seat depth 43cm, Height to seat 43cm.



Want more information on Eames DSW chair? Click the link below to contact us.